Sunday, December 26, 2010

CleanMem 1.6.5

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This tool keeps memory use in check on the system without any of the memory being pushed to the page file. This in turn keeps the system running smoother. The people who will notice the biggest performance increase are ones who don't have a lot of memory installed. (More memory is always better!) The reason is when your system starts getting low on memory Windows will start to move memory to the page file. The page file is ran off your hard drive. The hard drive is the bottle neck of performance on a system. So the slower the drive the slower the system goes as it tries to work with the page file. When you use CleanMem you help keep the system from using up all its memory. In turn Windows doesn't push anything to the page file, and we avoid the huge slow down from page file usage.

What if you have tons of memory? Should you still use CleanMem?I have 8gb's of memory and I use Windows 7 64bit. I never hit the max memory usage. But I still use CleanMem to keep the programs memory usage in check. Why?

Think of it this way. Say you have a ton of hard drive space. Would you want your drive full of unneeded files? To the point where your drive is nearly full? Sure I have the space, but why would I want all that crap? The same goes for my memory. I want to make sure the memory is being used in the best way it can. I don't want memory leaks and such using up all the memory. Lots of people feel the memory is a resource and should be used as much as possible. I agree, I just don't want the left over trash is all.
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